
Ice Cream Infographic Video

Video Content (All sources referred in video) Ice Cream, cake and cookies remain the most popular items on the menu

Lunch n’ Learn

On February 23rd, we at DSL hosted a customer and employee open house “Lunch n’ Learn”! It was an opportunity

Hot Food Parts & Equipment Sale

DSL has a surplus inventory of Hot Food Parts & Equipment for sale. Visit our ebay page at http://www.ebay.ca/sch/dslltd/m.html?item=322106375060&hash=item4aff093b94:g:XM0AAOSwInxXMNwU&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 to see all

Happy Anniversary DSL!

From selling “everything but the cow” as a humble dairy supply shop, to Western Canada’s experts in food service solutions.

Introducing a New Brand

Here at DSL we’re always out on the prowl for new high quality foodservice equipment. One of the brands we’ve

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